0405 409 888 info@aplusinsp.com

Suite 11) Level 1/17 Carrington Rd, Box Hill VIC 3128

0405 409 888


Suite 11) Level 1/17 Carrington Rd, Box Hill VIC 3128

0405 409 888


Suite 11) Level 1/17 Carrington Rd, Box Hill VIC 3128

House Electrical Inspection

House Electrical Inspection involves a thorough examination of the electrical circuits and installations within a house, apartment, or building. By inspecting the circuit connections and wiring of a property, the risk of fire can be significantly reduced, and potential faults that may lead to costly repairs in the future can be prevented.


Our house electrical inspection specialists are licensed electricians. Before purchasing a property, we recommend gaining as much knowledge as possible about the property’s condition. In this regard, it is crucial for detecting any faults within the property and ensuring that the electrical system is up-to-date and functioning properly.


Considering this, we have selected a few things that you should have our licensed electrician inspect before purchasing a property. This will help ensure that your new house complies with Australian safety standards.

1. Check Switches and Outlets:

Examine switches and outlets to ensure they are in good working condition. Outlets should not have any cracks or physical defects, should be grounded, and have appropriate tension.

2. Inspect Incorrect Electrical Wiring:

High-quality and properly wired circuits that meet safety standards are essential for protecting electrical devices. You can think of house wiring like our body’s veins – they should be in good condition, perform well, and have no obstacles to electrical flow. Checking for incorrect wiring helps discover faults before they lead to damage due to circuit failure. Also, check for any exposed wires in the house and ensure wire connections at light fixtures, switches, or outlets are secure.

3. Examine House Electrical Breaker Panel:

The service panel is where the circuit breakers or fuses are located in your house, distributing branch circuits and allowing you to shut off power to the entire house. Inspecting, maintaining, or upgrading poor-quality, outdated, or inadequate service panels that can’t meet the power demands of modern living ensures that the property you’re purchasing has an appropriately sized circuit breaker or fuse box and maintains proper wiring.

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